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[ASH2009]前美国内科医学委员会主席、美国临床研究联盟主席,著名学者Dr. Samuel O. Thier 接受《国际循环》采访
 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/5/8 18:01:00    加入收藏
 关键字:polypill Samuel O. Thier 心血管危险因素 降压治疗 
What do you think the most economical approach is in hypertension management? 您认为管理高血压最经济的方法是什么?Almost no one with elevated blood pressure is free of other health problems. According to ACC2009, polypill could significant cut risk of heart disease and stroke. Do you think this fixed-dose combination therapy should be recommended in patients with hypertension? 几乎所有高血压患者同时存在其他健康问题。根据ACC2009,polypill能够显著减少心脏病及中风风险,您是否认为这种固定剂量的复合制剂应推荐用于高血压患者?

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